Friday, January 4, 2008

Please, no yellow and green

I wish that I was good with surprises. I mean, I really REALLY wish that when someone told me that there was a "surprise" in store, that I could just leave that fact alone and wait for the time to come for it to be revealed. It would make those moments when it was revealed special, and joyous, and well.... a surprise.
Instead, I develop a temporary case of OCD when it comes to surprises. I just can't wait to know what it is. It's not that I'm even all that excited -- it's that I want to be ready for whatever it is.
So, you can imagine how unbearable these past 20 weeks have been for me. I know that there is a healthy baby inside me -- I've gained 9 pounds and a protruding belly, and I feel the little angel kick me (usually when I'm desperately trying to get some sleep). My blood pressure is good, my blood work has all been clean and I haven't even noticed any blood when I brush my teeth or go to the bathroom (apparently all things that can happen in a pregnancy).
A good person would be satisfied with that. An even better person would say, "thank god I have a healthy baby. that's all I need to know."
But I am no such person.
Visions of 100 yellow onesies being unwrapped at my baby shower, and little green socks and bibs are giving me night tremors.
I want -- no, I HAVE -- to know if there is a little Susie, or Bobby, or Apple, or Adian, or whatever the heck people are naming babies these days, on the way. I want the pink lacy headbands, or the manly blue puppy dog shoes. I want to decide on a Tinkerbelle or Baseball-themed nursery. I want to be able to answer any and all baby-related questions with "she will be here in May" or "he is going to be so handsome." In short, I want to keep (most of) the yellow and green baby gear of the world on the shelves and out of my life.
Only 4 more days, and the surprise will be gone. But knowing me, once I've been told the gender, my worries will turn to bigger things like "what kind of person will i raise?" or "will my baby love me right away?" or even "what kind of life will i provide for my child?"
So maybe wondering about this surprise has been a pleasant distraction from the bigger questions so far. And maybe, in having this surprise spoiled, 1000 more will surface.

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