Monday, April 7, 2008

#38 -- Creative Domestic Projects

If you are anything like me, tasks on the domestic front will not come naturally. In fact, it may take you years to learn that expensive clothing does not "go" in organized piles in the middle of the floor, and that ovens are used for baking (not welding the bottom of your favorite wedge shoe back on -- boiling rubber smells). Let me save you a little more time... there really is a difference between baking soda and baking powder, bleach should only be used on white things (duh, but believe me, I've been there) and expiration dates should always be heeded with milk (and canned dog food). Now that we got those things out of the way...

While you may not (or may) find natural ability in streamlining a living space, sewing curtains or cleaning simple messes, I encourage you to take on at least a few creative projects that go against your grain. When I started preparing for all things "baby" with you, I had about 7 things on my gift registry and was just going to hang a few decals on the white walls of your nursery and say "Ta-Da!" I'm embarassed to say that the words, "Mothers used to just have their babies sleep in dresser drawers" came out of my mouth on more than one occasion.

But with encouragement from co-workers and your grandma Sally ("just put a bunch of things on your registry and see what you get. Who cares if you don't know what it is?"), and the kindness of relative strangers who took me in, gave me a room and bathroom and then insisted on painting your nursery the most perfect shade of pink ("white walls won't do for a little princess") -- I have discovered that it is challenging, exhausting, fun and rewarding to explore your inner domestic diva. Washing and organizing all your tiny clothes, hanging a flowing canopy over where your little head will rest in a few short weeks and arranging (and re-arranging) lots of ladybugs in places that I think you will like, has given me a new confidence as a woman, and soon-t0-be mother.

Do I think that conquering the domestic front is the true measure of a woman? Gosh, I hope not! But being a litte old-fashioned and girly on occasion feels...right, somehow. Don't be afraid to outshine me in these areas -- or at the very least, take me with you on your most daunting domestic journeys. I'll still be learning too.

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