Monday, March 31, 2008

#44 -- BFFs and other gal pals

I have my fingers crossed that you will be a leader -- someone strongwilled who follows her own goals and dreams. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have some people around you who you strive to be more like, and who you share experiences with.

I wish you the kind of best friends and girlfriends that I have found. Whether I was doing fake beauty pageants with neighborhood girls on my front porch at the age of 8, driving around town in my first car, listening to music with my high school kindred spirit, or reading an email on some of the humorous situations that arise in motherhood (from my college BF, who has a 16 month-old) --- I have been lucky to have people to laugh with, complain to, giggle about dumb DUMB things with and who support me through all my decisions.

Family is great. Boyfriends can be incredible sources of strength as well. But the bonds you form with the females around you inspire confidence, self-esteem, goofy inside jokes, sensitivity and a feeling of belonging to a group bigger than yourself.

It’s lovely being a girl. Find others to enjoy that journey with.

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