Wednesday, March 26, 2008

#48 -- Early Mornings

So I suppose you might be the type of person who avoids mornings at all costs, and would rather sleep until the sun is shining so brightly that you know it must at least be noon. But even if that’s you, there will be at least a few times in your life when you are up before the sun -- making a cup of coffee, watching the morning news, reading your mail or walking your dog. And even if your head is pounding, and you are struggling to pry your eyelids open, take a moment to enjoy the unique stillness that only comes first thing in the morning. Take a minute to check in with yourself and your feelings before the onslaught of the day’s activities. Those moments might the only ones you have to yourself for the next 24 hours, and you are important.

So whether you are up early everyday, or just once in awhile, enjoy the crispness of the early day and focus your thoughts on yourself -- if only for a fleeting moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this blog katie, reading it is part of MY morning routine of "getting ready for the day" and your optimism helps me have a good day and smile :) Thank you for that.

Love you