Tuesday, March 25, 2008

#49 -- Work

People say that work is the worse part of life here on earth, and that "everybody's working for the weekend," but if you can focus in on where you are the most talented and make the most difference, you will love to work.

Just like everything in life, there will be ups and downs in your job. Somedays you will just want to quit it all, pack an overnight bag and run away to a remote island in the Pacific (don't forget your cell phone, or whatever people are using by then, so your mother won't worry). But other days, you will be able to bless your co-worker with a kind word when everything around her is going south... Or have your boss tell you that you have done a "great job" on a project that has had you pulling your hair out for weeks.... Or one of your ideas ends up changing your work environment, community or family for the better. Those are the days you will feel validated, empowered and ready for the next big thing.

And if you find yourself in a situation where your job is not fufilling, but it is necessary, enjoy the people around you. If you work with customers, find out what is going on in their lives, and befriend them. If you are alone behind a desk all day, meet colleagues for lunch or a mid-day walk, and ask them about their lives. Believe me, when the time comes that you need loving people to surround you, your work family can fill that role.

And no matter what your job, career or goals are in life, know that I support you. I believe in you! You are going to make a fantastic singer, actress, engineer, architect, surgeon, waitress, store clerk, writer, stay-at-home-mom, teacher, firefighter or city councilwoman (or all the above) someday.

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